Lemondemongender: A Lemon Demon musicagender or cadensgender, a gender related in some fashion to Lemon Demon; An umbrella term for genders related to Lemon Demon's music (ex; touchtoneic, atthepartygender, etc).
Redefinition by Genderheaven, 2021

This is an informational Carrd about lemondemongender, a xenogender. If you find an error or something you think should be added, feel free to contact me through one of the links at the bottom.

(All uses of I/me after this refer to Genderheaven, not the current maintainer of this carrd)


what do these gender words mean?

If you have no idea what a xenogender is, this Carrd is likely to be completely baffling to you. Probably not a good idea for you to continue reading, and I suggest heading to this Carrd I wrote to explain xenogenders in general.

Musicagender is an umbrella term for audiogenders that can only be described through a specific musical aesthetic, genre, instrument, artist, album or song. The suffix -albumic is sometimes used for musicagenders related to albums.

When I started looking for lemondemongender, I couldn't find an original coining post, so I redefined it in a Tumblr post on January 11th, 2021, based on how posts I could find and context clues from other Lemon Demon-based genders seemed to imply.

**A gender that’s easily influenced by music. An mutogender and audiogender in which one is genderfluid and their gender is easily influenced by the music they are listening to. **

I did make a mistake, though, because I believe I made a very common error in conflating musicagender and cadensgender. These two terms get used interchangeably very often, but as far as I can see historically they do have a distinct difference. Essentially, Musicagenders are when the genuine only way a gender can be described is by using a specific musical aesthetic, genre, instrument, artist, album or song (etc) in the place of description. Like the genuine only way you can express how a gender feels is just by that piece of music.
Whereas Cadensgender is when your gender is easily influenced by music, but that music isn't necessarily your gender. As it later turned out, I am lemondemongender, but going by the definitions of cadensgender and musicagender... I wouldn't be a Lemon Demon musicagender, I'd be a cadensgender.
So, both because of my own experience and how these two distinct terms get mixed up a lot anyway, I would like to amend what I originally said and add that lemondemongender can be a musicagender or a cadensgender.


More gender terms that fall under lemondemongender. (Click a flag to go to it's source/more information about that term.)

Touchtoneic (Touchtonegender): A musicagender related to “Touch Tone Telephone” by Lemon Demon; A gender best represented by Touch Tone Telephone.
Coined independently by two people who weren't aware of the other; Mogaitime + 4cutebreakbeatz, 2020

Atthepartygender: A musicagender related to, connected to and/or described by the song You’re At The Party by Lemon Demon. This gender may feel surreal and unusual yet comfortable and familiar.
Amerafluid, 2020

Cabinetmanica (Cabinetmangender): A musicagender related to, connected to and/or described by the song Cabinet Man by Lemon Demon. This gender may feel as if it is half human and half machine.
Cryptidcoric, 2020

**Clowncircusgender (Clowncircuisaudic): A gender for those who feel a strong connection to the album Clown Circus by Lemon Demon (to the point it affects their gender); **
TH3MACHIN3, 2020

Iabcgender (IABCgender): A gender based heavily in the EP I Am Become Christmas by Lemon Demon; a gender that has a deep connection to IABC and its themes which are deeply rooted in the holidays months, winter, and feelings of impending doom or a large interest in a fictional apocalypse.
It's a gender that would be similar to gendervoid in nature, but more abstract in concept and rooted in nostalgia for the holidays as well as for cryptic beings and events.
honeyc0rpse, 2020

Viewmonstergender: A Lemon Demon musicagender, a gender related in some fashion to Lemon Demon's View-Monster EP.
TheArchivisst, 2020


Identities that combine a lemondemongender + another kind of gender. (Click a flag to go to it's source/more information about that term.)

Lemondemoncatgender: Being catgender and lemondemongender, a combination of lemondemongender and catgender.

HTTJBCatgender: A gender that feels a strong attraction to the album Hip To The Javabean and cats.

Damnskippycatgender: A gender that feels a strong attraction to the album Damn Skippy and cats.

Viewmonstercatgender (View-Monstercatgender): A gender that feels a strong attraction to the album View-Monster and cats; Being catgender and viewmonstergender.

Dinosaurchestracatgender: A gender that feels a strong attraction to the album Dinosaurchestra and cats; Being catgender and Dinosaurchestragender.

Naturetapescatgender: A gender that feels a strong attraction to the album Nature Tapes and cats.

Spiritphonecatgender: A gender that feels a strong attraction to the album Spirit Phone and cats.


I'm on your DNI, can I use this gender?Well, yeah. It is a gender identity, which has a level of separation from the boundaries I've set - While I did do a lot of work for lemondemongender, even if I was the first person to coin it, my coining it sort of just puts it out there in the world, and if someone comes across it and realizes "oh wow, that's ME" I can't necessarily make them. Un-be that, if that makes sense. The only exception would be if someone who said they identified as a term was twisting it in a fashion to make it bigoted or predatory (which I have seen with some other terms, ex pro-shippers co-opting terms like amatopunk to try to make it about predatory things despite the definition and coiner being very clear that amatopunk is not that).
I disagree with a lot of statements made by coiners of terms I identify with, but I can't really make myself. Not be that.
I just would prefer you not follow me/show up in my notes on any of my blogs if you're on my DNI. I also don't want you to remake my flag specifically because you are on my DNI. Repost it if you want a post with it, and note somewhere I'm an inclusionist of something you exclude or whatever.